Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-07 04:07:18
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Riac007 ::: Favorites
We stay till it starts working? What is working? 4 full sized military bases and a whole country of pissed off people?
07-09-18 17:17:23
hollyhoodjoe123 ::: Favorites
1. Slavery wasn't ended by its own inefficiency! Slavery was ended because of governmental interference. How the fuck can slavery be inefficient when it cost less to own a slave than to hire the help? And how the fuck can slavery be inefficient when they train the slave since childhood to do the work? Please look up the word "inefficient" before you use it.
07-09-16 22:39:23
hollyhoodjoe123 ::: Favorites
Yes, we did need a renewal. I'm saying that states could pass any laws or make any devices that complicated blacks from voting...if the renewal didn't occur. Wow, Ron Paul fans are stupid:(
07-09-16 22:28:28
thecanniestman ::: Favorites
"even some white males?" That sounds like a racist, sexist comment to me. ANd have you looked at the demographiocs of the Democratic party? Because you just described it.
07-09-16 11:09:18
thecanniestman ::: Favorites
And it was the will of the people that created those laws. Just an unecessary step in the process of growth.
07-09-16 11:07:03
thecanniestman ::: Favorites
You're brainwashed. If you don't wake up to the fact that this is a battle between rich and poor, not black and white, you've already lost.
07-09-16 11:05:37
thecanniestman ::: Favorites
Nonsense. Sensibilities change with time. Major league baseball didn't need laws to admit black players.
07-09-16 11:04:09
CowWithBeef ::: Favorites
Slavery was ended by its own inefficiency. The south lost the war because it wasn't as rich as the north. Free workers are more effective than slaves. The end of slavery was a largely result of the free market. The emancipation proclamation just made it official. PS. Gays can get married, they want the government to recognize it.
07-09-16 02:23:37
CowWithBeef ::: Favorites
Do you really think we needed a renewal? Are you suggesting blacks are illiterate? Who are you trying to paint as the racist, Dr. Paul or yourself?
07-09-16 02:18:39
JesusLightOfTruth ::: Favorites
Ron Paul=Freedom from NWO elites who wants to enslave us all regardless of race.Expect the elite in government to kill more in a similar 9/11 attacks on their own country.9/14/07 possibly because the AIrforce will stand down.This country is sick and needs a Doctor not another lawyer.Dr.RP,2008=no police state or martial law.
07-09-11 08:35:10

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