Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 06:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-06 09:22:42
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Ataris28 ::: Favorites
"rosie is right about everything" you're clearly going nowhere in life
07-05-26 04:23:27
kinkaddaa ::: Favorites
All you dumb a---s, rosie is right about everything. And Jin you suck man. Learn from a nigga like myself how to really rap. Check out my clips and Website. You can't touch this, up coming bad a-- mother-----r. My website kikoellsworth or my posted clips on youtube Most women are not too smart but Rosie's cool. Ching, Jong, Jong, Ching, lol Send me a holla out kinkadda Bunch of idiot women but Rosie.
07-05-01 03:05:27
sony2hd ::: Favorites
Be nice!
07-04-29 05:56:21
Clarissa2424 ::: Favorites
you are right sony. People who cannot debate, simply resort to trying to diminish their oppponents by denegrading their appearance.
07-04-29 04:52:10
Clarissa2424 ::: Favorites
I cannot express my disappointment with MSNBC. This is Right wing Talk Radio ala Fake TV news channel. I refuse to validate O-Reilly. He thrives on causing controversy. The more hate mails he gets, the better he likes it. LOLOL Rosie: GOP's Secret Weapon! *Shakes Head. Saturday Night Live for sure.
07-04-29 04:50:04
sony2hd ::: Favorites
Barbara has a big nose, whoopie is black, Michael is fat, and rosie is fat and gay. Why listen to them??? There are losers. Listen to ppl who are pretty. NOT fat, ugly dykes like Rosie. Am I right???
07-04-22 20:32:43
appregios ::: Favorites
dork they blew it up siverman the owner said so and all made lots of money dont vote for guliani he in it to with cain and clinton o reilly gives false media thats why they love to keep him on the air it;s in thier favour why is this a dicussion oh edwards too just real quik
07-04-18 03:15:23
LOCRIANoL ::: Favorites
Love how he talks about "amazing ratings". Beyond all the bs they talk about, that summed it up in a nutshell from a competitor or the Fox Network. More people in this country find Bill's show more truthful then these morons. You guys see the slip ups you want to...and I see the ones I want to....
07-04-10 23:37:21
SpinachVillage000 ::: Favorites
they are picking on somebody who is vulnerable, but they are desparate, the repubs are desparate
07-04-10 01:56:52
KaiXi333 ::: Favorites
If Alex Jones wore a black suit you wouldn't be saying that!
07-04-09 18:52:31

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