Sunday, August 5, 2007

Brinkley: There's a Bit of the Reagan Shine on Romney

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-08 08:31:39
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Douglas Brinkley, author of The Reagan Diaries, believes there is a a bit of the Reagan shine on Gov. Romney.

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Gospellightz ::: Favorites
GAWD! Mitt is so good looking for his age...and his wife Ann is very beautiful. (o; Love this family.
07-06-14 18:03:09
Zile77 ::: Favorites
You are looking at the next president of the USA, Mr. Mitt Romney, America's best hope.
07-06-14 23:05:54
midnightbright ::: Favorites
Ron Paul was actually a friend of Reagan's. Reagan said of Ron Paul, "Ron Paul is one of the outstanding leaders fighting for a stronger national defense. As a former Air Force officer, he knows well the needs of our armed forces, and he always puts them first. We need to keep him fighting for our country." Romney said in 1994 he was an independent who didn't support Reagan's policies and "I'm not trying to bring back Reagan-Bush." Who is the real politician closest to Reagan?
07-06-17 15:56:21
G5F4D3S2A1 ::: Favorites
Up until about a month ago I had lost about all hope of finding someone worth getting excited about in the 08 election. That was until I ran across Ron Paul! He is the straightest talking AND acting man running by far. I didn't know there was anyone left in government that felt the same way I do. I cannot wait to vote for this man. And for my countries sake, I hope you all do the same. His slogan fits perfectly how I see him. Hope for America!! (NOTE: This is not spam, Just how I feel)
07-06-17 16:50:43
notengopedoconvos ::: Favorites
Take a statistic 100 level course and you will understand FALLENVIRTUE, apparently your virtue has fallen- plus- I suggest some readings in Machiavelli before you go around tuting your own horn!!
07-06-18 15:47:01
windows2k3pro ::: Favorites
Go Romney, this ron paul guy has no chance of winning, Romney is a true leader
07-06-22 21:01:42
RexxCrow ::: Favorites
Hello, if you are apart or would like to be apart of the Ron Paul Revolution. I have compiled a cleaned up PDF version of Ron Paul's Wikipedia article, please feel free to download it and email to all your family, friends, interested coworkers (be aware of your works "Politicing Policies"), etc., etc., or post the link whenever you get the chance. Thank You... DEFENDINDEPENDENCE(DOT)ORG/OIF/RP2008.PDF
07-06-30 22:46:47
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 01:58:38
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 16:16:48
jackdforrp ::: Favorites
So do you consider the North American Union a good thing? Being that he is a member of the CFR, the group that is spearheading combining Canada, America and Mexico. Romney is a member. Oh, and one other thing, since when would any decent Mormon "EVER" condone abortion or gays in the boyscouts? I heard the words right out of the horses mouth. Don't believe me, you can find it on Google under the name "The Real Romney"
07-08-02 23:47:57

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