Sunday, August 5, 2007

Chris Bliss Diss Video

Duration: 277 seconds
Upload Time: 06-03-11 02:57:39
User: unklesteve
:::: Favorites

Jason Garfield gives us the juggler's version of a "Yo' Momma" joke by performing the now famous "Chris Bliss Juggling Routine". Except that Jason does it with five balls. Awesome.

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roamy38 ::: Favorites
Jep !!! 3 Balls - 5 Balls, there are just Worlds between !
07-08-03 13:11:24
superswifty ::: Favorites
You chris bliss fans are dumb. Jason isnt trying juggle the music, he is proving that chris might be a good entertainer but he is a shit juggler. Jason demonstrates most of chris' routine but with 5 balls. Watch jason's face, over exaggerating those dumb facial expressions that chris pulls, showing he isn't taking this routine serious and he isn't trying to pass it off as his own. Jugglers will see that chris is a bad juggler, non-jugglers will see chris is a good ENTERTAINER but good juggler.
07-08-03 13:30:14
roamy38 ::: Favorites
Ahem.. Me aint Chris Bliss fan, if you mean! Me Roamy-Fan ! ;o)
07-08-03 13:39:21
vonlossberg ::: Favorites
I think both Chris and this guy are fantastic!! They both have their own style and are very entertaining.I think this guy should do it to his own music though.
07-08-03 13:44:13
superswifty ::: Favorites
vonlossberg, just read my previous post. Roamy, i was referring to everyone who called chris a good "JUGGLER"
07-08-03 13:58:01
roamy38 ::: Favorites
0,00 - Problem, superswifty ! I just take every chance to place my boring jokes between!
07-08-03 14:32:22
superswifty ::: Favorites
haha, oh yeah. Sorry i didn't get it. Obviously it was boring =P
07-08-03 15:59:21
MarciusWhithood ::: Favorites
Wow...fag alert. WHOOP WHOOP!
07-08-04 00:57:11
superswifty ::: Favorites
Marcius, theres no need to introduce yourself. We'd be able to tell by your completely gay/retarded posts.
07-08-04 06:06:40
gunaseakm971 ::: Favorites
Cool clip. There are a ton of amazing girls at PIXIECAMZ DOT COM
07-08-04 21:50:14

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