Sunday, August 5, 2007

Happy Easter

Duration: 213 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-05 05:37:18
User: patcondell
:::: Favorites

A few words about the greatest story ever told.

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sutekhseth ::: Favorites
I laughed through the entire Video, Thank you very much for posting.
07-07-30 00:08:06
pipin666 ::: Favorites
jesus forgivs ou if you live close to his word and beliefs...not if you just go to and our christianity are means for us to be close to him but our salvation lies in our acrions, in aour convictions, so dont ridculise him please..there is still a plcae for you in heaven..and its yours if you live a good life...truly honest and humble existence.. thats it..he doesnt ask for much... and he belives in you..and so do I :)
07-07-30 00:11:19
alienjesus2012 ::: Favorites
Oh my god this guy is hilarious
07-07-30 04:35:22
sighuponsigh ::: Favorites
I know. He's knowledgable, brave and funny to boot! hehe.
07-07-30 22:20:53
ACLTony ::: Favorites
Easter and the easter bunny are pagan in origin and involve a "fertility rite". Yet this was integrated into the celebration of Christ's Resurrection by an already corrupt catholic church. THis guy is smart, but he needs to do more research before commenting.
07-08-01 11:02:36
Lucasjs85 ::: Favorites
this guy's intelligent not knowledgable definently not
07-08-02 15:22:40
LieutenantLocust ::: Favorites
Thank you...I'm happy whenever someone besides me is actually pointing this out!!
07-08-02 17:10:22
livvyblue ::: Favorites
i really love chocolate eggs thou
07-08-03 18:49:12
ScottFrostbender ::: Favorites
You're awesome, man. It's a shame people like you have been outlawed from taking government office...
07-08-03 21:41:53
nontheistdavid ::: Favorites
You ever notice believers comments lack any correct spelling or grammar?
07-08-04 19:16:54

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