Sunday, August 5, 2007

Mitt Romney On The Trail with Martha MacCullum

Duration: 127 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-30 15:27:34
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Mitt Romney On The Trail with Martha MacCullum

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davidomackay ::: Favorites
The stress he is able to handle is admirable, the same for the rest of the presidential candidates... My guess is the one that is most able to handle it the best is the most apt for pres. I'm glad Romney can handle that well.
07-04-30 20:04:52
pinadulce69 ::: Favorites
Mitt is the Man!!... to lead this country to bigger and better things!!!
07-04-30 22:06:55
thatbamma ::: Favorites
seems like a busy guy
07-04-30 23:16:44
dogchips ::: Favorites
The smartest and most promising candidate for presidential office yet!!
07-04-30 23:40:00
rkd13 ::: Favorites
I love this guy!
07-05-01 20:55:41
pxlfoo ::: Favorites
god he needs to win
07-05-02 22:59:27
red5llaw ::: Favorites
We DESERVE a leader of Mitt's Calibre! SAVE US MITT!
07-05-22 23:00:12
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average, everyday person. See my video, Mitt Romney for President 2008!!! Just click on my user name.
07-07-20 03:13:11
jjones1987 ::: Favorites
For the view of an average person about Mitt Romney. Check out my videos on why I like Mitt, what his policies are, and why I think he views are good for the country! Just click on my username to check them out!
07-07-26 19:03:23
Volumesofdoom ::: Favorites
martha is hot
07-08-01 14:58:28

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