Sunday, August 5, 2007

Youtube: Gov. Romney Doing "Quite Well" On Youtube

Duration: 54 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 16:51:21
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Youtube's political editor Steve Grove says Gov. Romney's doing "quite well" on Youtube.

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BenFranklinFan ::: Favorites
If this were a horse race Mitt Romney would not even be in the money. He would be nothing more than a worthless two dollar bet. Worthless!
07-07-29 14:26:03
BillyVillain ::: Favorites
I guess this guy hasnt been reading any comments or looking at any stats. Romney IS NOT doing well on youtube.
07-07-29 16:00:11
plc1 ::: Favorites
See which special interest groups donate to the candidates: whitehouseforsale . org/index.cfm
07-07-29 17:39:25
plc1 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul vs. Romney on Youtube: youtube . com/watch?v=V3Hah8jx-Vo
07-07-29 20:58:24
Sigkim ::: Favorites
You are a liar!!!! Ron Paul has 22,614 subscribers!!! Good day to you(LIAR) Sig:)
07-07-30 04:11:36
BenFranklinFan ::: Favorites
WTF? Check the time. As of 14 hrs ago the count was correct. Are you stupid or chemically imbalanced? What's your deal?
07-07-30 04:16:03
Sigkim ::: Favorites
That guy does not know math. How the hell is Mitt going to solve the tax problem if he can't do simple math? Mr.Paul's solution doesn't require math because he wants to eliminate the PRIVATE FEDERAL RESERVE and the jack booted IRS and so do the AMERICAN PEOPLE!!! Good day and good luck.(Private Federal Reserve is almost common knowledge...we are waking up!) Sig
07-07-30 04:17:53
Sigkim ::: Favorites
Bad joke...My "friendly fire" comment missed by a mile but wait....I guess I am a liar...Ron Paul NOW has 22,617 Thanks for the message Ben. The Honorable Rep.Dr.Ron Paul for president. Sig
07-07-30 05:19:02
JoeMomma2002 ::: Favorites
Fucking CNN, get your facts right, Mitt Romney my ass.
07-07-31 01:26:47
plc1 ::: Favorites
Military donations to candidates in Q2. Ron Paul 26% and Romney 4%. thespinfactor. com/thetruth/2007/07/17/ron-paul-leads-all-08-candidates- with-one-third-of-military-contributions-for-q2/
07-08-01 20:18:24

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