Sunday, August 5, 2007

CO AG John Suthers Supports Mitt Romney

Duration: 41 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-20 18:36:41
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Colorado Attorney General John Suthers Supports Mitt Romney

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napalm1776 ::: Favorites
Why thank you plc1. You don't want to face the fact, that YOU are just a SPAMMER. A Cut and Paste SPAMMER. Particularly if it SPINS or LIES for your candidate. Simple Immature Child, Thank you.
07-08-02 04:45:26
napalm1776 ::: Favorites
plc1 - Here's the thing. If you were a serious Campaigner for RP you would debate the issues, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each Candidate in a Thoughtful way. But you DON'T, you just chuck in all sorts of unrelated bogus crap. You have even posted anti Bush SPAM in the Romney posts. Tell me how that is rational or mature? The fact is - It's NOT. I feel sorry for you, please Grow Up.
07-08-02 04:51:15
plc1 ::: Favorites
Problem is, with children like you, you can't debate the issues, you just start calling names. Instead of arguing with you, I can post a link, and you can read the info yourself, if you want to. FYI Romney is more or less a Neocon like Bush. He's in the CFR, he's pretty much the same thing with better hair and the ability to form sentences.
07-08-02 10:12:52
plc1 ::: Favorites
Seriously, napalm, you and Redllaw don't seem to be very knowledgable about the issues, so you tend to get angry trying to debate them. Safest thing with your type is to post a link and let you read it for yourself. I feel sorry for you, becuase you seem to have little grasp of the world around. Truth be told, it's fun to watch you guys freak out. LOL ;-)
07-08-02 10:20:42
plzhelpj ::: Favorites
check out opensecretsdotorg/pres08/ to see the candidates' fundraising!! look at Ron Paul's DEBT VS CASH ON HAND (He's the most honest candidate)
07-08-02 20:28:48
napalm1776 ::: Favorites
plc1 - Thats nice. You sensitive new age gays are very helpful. Sorry to tell you I don't swing that way. Sexually or Politically. I'm Straight and Conservative. Wow you are Sooo kind SPAMMMMING just to help us poor ignorant peons! Heil to the SPAMMMER! :p
07-08-03 08:10:19
napalm1776 ::: Favorites
As opposed to an Asshole
07-08-03 08:11:04
plc1 ::: Favorites
It's ok napalm if you and red5llaw have a "special" thing going on...your secret's safe with me. Remember "don't ask, don't tell"... ;-)
07-08-03 10:21:11
plc1 ::: Favorites
"As opposed to an Asshole" See, another example that you can't even express yourself without using foul language. napalm = gay knuckle-dragger hehehe
07-08-03 10:24:02
shanongymnastchickqn ::: Favorites
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07-08-03 18:48:42

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