Sunday, August 5, 2007

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard Supports Mitt Romney

Duration: 47 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-22 18:19:03
User: GovMittRomney
:::: Favorites

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard Supports Mitt Romney

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costanzaa5 ::: Favorites
Did Ron Paul spend all his campaign money on getting people to post on everyone elses youtube wall?
07-07-24 18:56:29
MasterMark123 ::: Favorites
you don't know what a slick willy he really is ! He would sell out his own mother to get to the oval office ! He is today what George Wallace was in the 60's
07-07-25 01:02:42
5M1L3 ::: Favorites
Now that is some strong language you are directing at Ron Paul, MasterMark123.
07-07-26 19:00:42
red5llaw ::: Favorites
Pon Paul - Chameleon RINO.
07-07-26 22:34:51
plc1 ::: Favorites
Here's a funny. Look at the expression on Mitt's face! Priceless! youtube . com/watch?v=J8oO_OD3PtI
07-07-27 01:10:48
plc1 ::: Favorites
Here's a funny. Look at the expression on Mitt's face! Priceless! youtube . com/watch?v=J8oO_OD3PtI
07-07-27 01:12:15
plc1 ::: Favorites
"Mitt Romney's ignorance of the Constitution's checks and balances and protections against government abuses would have alarmed the Founding Fathers and their conservative philosophy." . com/s/thenation/20070727/cm_thenation/1217965
07-07-28 01:36:09
themacuser007 ::: Favorites
If I were a betting man pic1, I would say seeing all your comments on Romney's pages makes me think you're a little curious about this guy. haha
07-07-30 11:36:27
plc1 ::: Favorites
Nope, just trying to educate others about him. He's a slick salesman...I'll give him that. ;-)
07-07-30 18:27:11
themacuser007 ::: Favorites
I'll have to agree with you there, he does have that salesman appearance.
07-07-31 08:28:06

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