Sunday, August 5, 2007

In Jesus' name

Duration: 236 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-25 06:12:36
User: patcondell
:::: Favorites

The religion business is everyone's business. Find out more at

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OscarLimaMike ::: Favorites
Sorry I know I am off topic here but I just returned from Nevada, Arizona, California, Utah. I loved it and would move there tomorrow. As a matter of fact I'm trying to find a way. I actually believe in the govt. safety nets. I believe in universal health care, welfare, unemployment insurance. However the way that it has been hi jacked and ruined by our evil govt. and bureaucracies makes everyone sick.
07-07-25 15:01:38
OscarLimaMike ::: Favorites
I have been a social democrat all my life, but predatory, self serving unelected vermin have spoiled everything I believe in. No one holds govt accountable here so they aren't.
07-07-25 15:07:22
OscarLimaMike ::: Favorites
On the other hand it's interesting to note that the breakdown not to mention the armies of the homeless started to occur about the time the conservative sweep across North America happened. CEO's and upper management salaries have increased 300-400 % while ordinary peoples wages froze or decreased. All in the name of fiscal "restraint".
07-07-25 15:07:46
Chuloloc ::: Favorites
07-07-25 16:19:31
JagVox ::: Favorites
I love your videos, headed to that site right now : )
07-07-27 20:38:44
LieutenantLocust ::: Favorites
Your saying is bloody brilliant. ^^
07-08-02 18:13:34
Chuloloc ::: Favorites
Thank you.
07-08-02 18:17:55
GenericAthiest4 ::: Favorites
Heh, Jesus needs a new Cadillac.
07-08-04 02:24:49
MiLliRoKz ::: Favorites
go fuck jesus grandpa
07-08-04 12:39:37
renton723 ::: Favorites
"No chicken for me thank you, i'll just have a salad."
07-08-04 15:46:23

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