Sunday, August 5, 2007

Gaming for Girls

Duration: 205 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-02 00:19:38
User: UltraNeko
:::: Favorites

"Yeah, I really love 8 bit music. And no, I lost because I'm a woman." "Uh oh, I know a gaming woman that is going to be mad cause you said that. Ultraneko." "Gaming women are all the same. I play a lot of video games, my favorite being Phoenix Wright, I just dont advertise myself as a gamer. ;)I'm joking about the women thing, I'm not sexist. " And thusly the battle began...

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JamesWorldStudios ::: Favorites
HAHA NERD MUSIC, NERD GIRLS, NERD GUYS! WOW! I never seen soo many nerds in my life!
07-08-04 23:25:38
Thacko ::: Favorites
I'm a guy who played Harvest Moon on SNES and N64. And liked it..
07-08-05 00:33:39
h2andy ::: Favorites
damn, i gotta go there lots of cool chicks
07-08-05 00:38:13
hxcrev ::: Favorites
Me too.
07-08-05 00:39:46
SalaAdin00 ::: Favorites
I myself don't think they are all the same. I'm a Guild Leader in GW and not one girl thats in the Guild is alike. To that comment tho about girls getting free stuff yea some do get free stuff but not all. If the girl is like that in Real Life then yes of course she is going to expect that in the game and things will be made easy for her.
07-08-05 00:50:52
SalaAdin00 ::: Favorites
But whoever say's that all girls are the same then or even thinks that... Then they probadly has a bad experince in RL with a girl and since their only getaway is games in which Females are the minority and the majority are guys who freak out because there is a girl on their vent server. So Guys why hate?? Your gonna marry one sooner or later. And if your a guy gamer then your heart should be set on girl gamers. I <3 Girl Gamers :)
07-08-05 00:51:09
PeterChanorias ::: Favorites
Is it just me or did all those women look the same? :)
07-08-05 01:11:09
iSOBigD ::: Favorites
Marry one? Oh yeah, well what if I'm gay? Hah! I showed him...oh wait. (=/
07-08-05 01:14:00
iSOBigD ::: Favorites
Well, to be fair, you asked a question with a really obivous answer. There's no way anyone would honestly think all girls are the same when it come to anything (gaming, dressing up, speaking, the music they like, their interests, etc.) except if they've had a bad experience with one or more girls of a certain type. So yeah, this is one of those questions you didn't have to ask, since you already knew the answer to it. But hey, we all try to get attention online in our own ways, right? :)
07-08-05 01:19:20
ritalinrabbit ::: Favorites
Harvest Moon is one of my favorite games of all time. And for the record, I'm male.
07-08-05 01:28:06

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